So are you new to the whole role playing thing? Well, first of all you have to learn to build a character. Your character can be anything and anyone you want as long as it can interact with other characters. Even trees as characters are acceptable if they can... well... interact with other characters, at least enough so that you can enjoy the game! For this role playing game, you will want your character to be medieval- or fantasy-based. You will have to make up your character's surroundings as well since there is no concrete kingdom in this game. There are, of course, several kingdoms which have been created thus far, and your character can exist within those kingdoms, or in a new one of your own choosing. It generally works best if you base your character around something you really love. Would you like to be royalty, a supernatural being, or an oracle? You may be anything you like in this RPG. You have it on my authority that your character's interests and individuality will be protected in this game. Anyone who harasses you or your character will be embarrassed, admonished or simply banned from the list. (The flip side to this is obviously that if you harass or abuse another member of the list or speak deprecatingly of their character you too will be punished). I am an unwilling but determined disciplinarian! |
How do you post to the list? Well, your first post ought to be an introductory post. If you throw your character in the middle of action without introducing them properly, other players will not know how to react! Also, it is important before you start playing that you formulate a biography for your characters. More information about character-building can be found in the characters' gallery.
You may or may not post your biography on the list for everyone to see, but you had better email it to me! Please! Your introductory post should consist of where your character is, what he or she is doing, thinking, saying, etc.
Example of bio: Name: Tree Race: Post oak Gender: female (trees have genders!) Age: 205 History: She was sired by a chance pollination of a post oak and a black oak, but after soul-searching decided to claim post-oak as her heritage. She has watched kings rise and fall. Lovers have caressed beneath her branches. Gnomes have built homes in her trunk. She writes poetry in her spare time and enjoys watching the clouds pass overhead, often fancying them in the shapes of earthly objects for her amusement. She would like to find a life-long mate but so far none has taken root for her. Her favorite time of year is the spring time, when birds engage in sprightly courtship rituals within her branches. Do you get the idea? Good, because I am having a hard time keeping this up. |
Example of introductory post: The leaves grew and fell, the seasons came and went, but for Tree they were all as one. She was tired of the passing seasons, tired of those who would exploit her giving nature. Others looked at her, humans and animals alike, and saw only a resource, not a living creature with a soul. Could they not see her wisdom? She had watched their long-ago ancestors make their mistakes. She had grieved the loss of her comrades. She never anticipated that her life would change, only that she would grow old and forgetful as time stretched. But it all changed for her when a black sorcerer paused for a nap beneath her branches. She stared as the sorcerer loosed his materials from his pocket and, quite confident of his seclusion, settled to sleep. But in his pocket was a magickal balm which for her could change all things. If she could but rub some of this balm onto her leaves, she would be given the power of mobility. She could escape her isolation! Perhaps she could even find a suitable mate. Somewhere, there must exist another offspring of a black oak and a post oak. Of course, their progeny would be approximately half post oak and half black oak, since the hybrid generation would break down after one mating, but that was neither here nor there! Tree shed several leaves in agitation as she considered the situation. It must be left to chance. If a strong wind swept her boughs low enough, she could obtain the magickal balm. She willed the wind to come. It did pick up, to her intense delight. Lower it swept her boughs, and lower, till she had the wizard encompassed in a shadowed embrace. The balm touched one leaf. It was enough. Instantly, she felt her roots loosen, and knew that her life would never be the same. |
Well, I think you have a sense of what I mean. Introduce your character with a sentence or two, give a place and time, some description, and if possible, leave the scene open with a little hook. Make it easy for another character to interact with you. It will make the game more fun for everyone! Move on to the character gallery for more information about character-building!